Thursday, September 23, 2010

A fun and blessed birthday!

Yesterday was my 28th birthday! I still had to go to work, I wasn't able to request for a birthday leave since we were scheduled to have a monitoring visit to projects at UP Los Baños. We arrived there around 10a.m. This was my first time to monitor a project - something that I will be used to because of the nature of my new assignment. We were informed by our other office mates who were monitoring at the other department that the projects they have visited prepared a packed lunch for us. I silently uttered a thank you prayer, because earlier, I was worried that I have to bring them to lunch (there were 6 of us) and my budget would not be sufficient, hahaha!

Incidentally, our former Executive Director, Dr. Ebora who is the current Director of the office we were monitoring, instructed his staff to inform us that we would drop by his office after the monitoring. It was another blessing in disguise because he offered to bring us to lunch, we were not even expecting that he is in the office yesterday. We dropped by Mer-Nels to claim the cake I had requested Claire (our former officemate who works near the area) to order for me. I was surprised because she already paid half of the price of the cake. She refused to be paid, she said it's her birthday treat for me...Wow! another thank you for another angel.
                     (The 10" chocolate cake with yema filling)

I was so overwhelmed by the graces I'm receiving at that very moment, I couldn't contain my gratefulness. We had a feast at the Kamayan sa Palaisdaan, a floating bahay-kubo restaurant located along Bay, Laguna a few minutes away from UP Los Baños. After the delicious and sumptuous meal, he even volunteered to tour us around.
    (fun-filled unexpected birthday celebration at Kamayan sa Palaisdaan with office mates - Laarni, Cyndi, Darwin & Merai and our former Exec. Director)

I had a wonderful birthday blast - with a lunch sponsored by Dr. Ebora, a cake partially paid by Claire, a packed lunch and a box of Buko pie from generous project leaders.

I just bought an additional bilao of Palabok and 2 whole lechon manok, and there we were, dinner celebration with the whole family. The kids enjoyed much as I do, they cheered watching me blow the candle hahaha!

I am blessed, His graces came just in time. Thank you Jesus for this wonderful life you've given me. What more could I ask for? My Dream List is all coming on the way!!!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Feast New Talk Series - Wish

The South Feast or now called Feast Alabang will be having a new talk series entitled "WISH - How to fulfill your heart's desire" starting September 19, 2010. We will now be having 3 sessions - 11:00am, 1:30p.m. and 4p.m. This is truly a clear manifestation of God's overflowing blessings to everyone.

Friday, August 20, 2010

T3: The First T - TIME

The First T in the T3 Series of the Talks in the South Feast is all about TIME. As mentioned by the South Feast Builder and Main Preacher Bro. Arun Gogna, we continue to learn about giving our all to God. This is the only way we can have big returns in life.

According to Malcolm Gladwell, the author of Outliers: The Story of Success, "The key to success in any field is, to a large extent, a matter of practicing a specific task for a total of around 10,000 hours". Gladwell claims that greatness requires enormous time, using the source of The Beatles' musical talents and Gates' computer savvy as examples. The Beatles performed live in Hamburg, Germany over 1,200 times from 1960 to 1964, amassing more than 10,000 hours of playing time, therefore meeting the 10,000-Hour Rule. Gladwell asserts that all of the time The Beatles spent performing shaped their talent, "so by the time they returned to England from Hamburg, Germany, 'they sounded like no one else. It was the making of them".

Gates met the 10,000-Hour Rule when he gained access to a high school computer in 1968 at the age of 13, and spent 10,000 hours programming on it. Gladwell explains that reaching the 10,000-Hour Rule, which he considers the key to success in any field, is simply a matter of practicing a specific task that can be accomplished with 20 hours of work a week for 10 years.

The 10,000-Hour Rule applies virtually anywhere. It also applies in relationships. If you want your relationship to be successful, spend 10,000 hours with your loved ones - play with your kids, date your husband/wife/parents/siblings. Marriage doesn't just happen, YOU make it happen. Give your 10,000 hours to God - 10minutes a day in prayer and reading the scripture, attend the mass and the Feast every Sunday and serve in your community. If you want to excel in something and unlock your greatness, spend 10,000 hours in that particular interest.

Here are some quotes published in the Feast bulletin to help us ponder on this valuable subject.

"TIME is the greatest EQUALIZER"
"Don't count every hour in the day, make every hour of the day count."
"Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time." Jim Rohn
"Ordinary people think merely of spending time. Great people think of using it."
"Never let yesterday use up today." Karen Lamb
"Those who make the worse use of their time are the first to complain of its shortness." Jean De La Bruyere

Monday, August 9, 2010

Supermom adventure - Kids' touching stories

Yesterday was another busy Sunday for me. After attending the 8:45 mass at Lower Bicutan, we proceeded to Festival mall to attend the South Feast with the celebration of its transfer to its new home at the 2nd level, X-site entrance. It's quite unusual, since I've been used to the setup at the cinema 10. Despite adjusting to quite narrow seatings, and far stage, still the feast spirit is always there energizing me for another days or weeks to come. I thank the Lord for His goodness, showing that He really answers prayers.

After the Feast, I didn't join the kids and my sisters to eat lunch anymore. I have to go to Brentville with Aileen, my officemate, to bring home some of the stuffs that a Korean acquaintance has sold us. I have bought a kiddie bike for my two precious angels, a BMX bike for me (my goal is to learn biking this year, hahaha!) and a number of books and toys - all second hand but I didn't show my kids yet, I planned to make it their reward for any good deed or excellence in school.

I brought along 2 boxes of assorted stuffs to show my officemates. As I unload the boxes with its contents, Angel and Asher gladly jumped with joy with the belief that it's all for them. I explained to them that everything is for sale. I just brought it to the house since I'm nearer to the office compared to Aileen. They asked me not to sell the toys and just give to them. I explained that I couldn't buy all of those things because we have other important needs to prioritize. They immediately showed me their coin purse, counted and handed over their savings for the week as payment for their choice of books and toys. I was touched and nearly in tears, my children didn't pressure me to buy things for them. They requested that I would tell the owner of the items to let them pay until Christmas time, by that time they would have saved enough for all those items. My kids have grown, not only in size and age, but also in wisdom. I really couldn't thank the Lord enough for giving me these precious gifts.

One morning, while walking along the DOST Compound, Asher asked me if I know what's the meaning of genius. I answered back yes, he immediately replied that he knew it too, he described it as "sobrang talino at sobrang galing". I congratulated him for knowing the meaning of genius. He added, "Di ba Mommy, genius ako?" I stood in awe. "Yes you are my dear" I told him. Then he runs so fast to the Day Care, shouting "Yessss!!! Genius ako!!!" (Truly, God has given me smart kids, may they grow in wisdom and guidance of the Almighty. If my children are self-proclaimed genius, I'm a self-proclaimed supermom too! This life is my adventure...)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Life's changes - God wants me to take charge

I have been trying to write for the past two weeks, however, I've never succeeded to finish anything. Perhaps my mind couldn't find something to focus on (just like anybody here in the office or should I say, most of us). We are having mixed feelings, mostly negative - as what I described in my previous post. We shall be bidding goodbye to our Executive Director for 5 years, unless all our angels will whisper to DOST Secretary's ears to retain him. We will be changing our agency name (PCASTRD will always be in our lips and in our heart even if we are told that we must forget our old identity). Sad as it may seem, yet we have to face these changes.

I am the first to be reassigned. After a few sleepless nights, I've conquered all my fears. I've told them what I am worried about and what I've planned to do. My angel worked for me, everything turns out so well. So here I am, after 2 years of working as support staff for two different divisions, 4 years of being an IT staff, I'm in the new world again(only 1 division has been left for me to conquer with, hahaha!). I'm a bouncing baby as Lanie has described, but I hope this would be my home to stay with. Even if it means working differently from my career ladder, it dawned to me that it means a more secure future. If it will lead to the achievement of my dream, then I'm willing to learn new things again.

I'm inspired with the talk last Sunday from the South Feast, "Protection" - the 5th from the Series "Awaken the Healer in you". Bro. Arun Gogna's opening words are "Your eyes can only see the problem, what we cannot see is behind the scene, God is at work already, preparing your victory, working  towards the attainment of your dream". All the talks of the series are revolving into one message - God wants you to take charge of your health!

There are 3 practical prescriptions:
1. Clean Living
  • Quarantine contagious diseases
  • Toilet training
  • Take a bath / clean yourself
  • Sexual purity - God's law on sex is also God's law on health.
2. Natural Eating
  • If man made it, do not eat it.
3. Hollistic Healing
  • A study from the National Institute of Health shows that 35-40% of all hospital patients are there because of wrong medical care.
In summary, God wants us to take charge of our health and our life. There are only two seats in a vehicle - the driver and the rider. Are you the driver or the rider? Here is a powerful statement:  "The amount of blessings you receive is directly proportional to the amount of responsibility you are willing to take". We should stop complaining, we should take charge.  When we hold the steering wheel of our life and take responsibility, God will be the fuel of our vehicle, the roadmap, the destination and guide us all the way.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Nourishment - You Are What You Eat

Yesterday, Daddy went with us to the mass, thank God for making him realize the importance of his presence with the kids. However, he needs some sleep because of his graveyard duty so he went home alone after the mass.  The kids has enjoyed the children's ministry at the South Feast; they are looking forward to attending it every Sunday.

Gold and Twin (my cousin's daughter) met us at the Bicutan interchange. Gold is regularly attending the feast now and I'm praying for a miraculous healing from her mysterious lung problem.

Here are some interesting facts I've learned from the fourth talk "Nourishment" of the Series "Awaken". (I've copied some of the notes from the Feast bulletin.) There are three (3) important prescriptions for a healthier body:

Genesis 1:29 

I have provided all kinds of grain and all kinds of fruit for you to eat.

Both from the Bible and Science, your body are created to eat fruits and vegetables. Your teeth are the teeth of a herbivores or plant-eating animals. Your intestines are long, necessary to digest vegetables. If you want to be healthy, increase the intake of fruits and raw vegetables and minimize your meat. Here's what  happens when you do this:
  • you increase your fiber intake, which is necessary to cleanse your digestive system, making you avoid  colon cancer and other diseases.
  • you increase vital nutrients and vitamins your body needs (fact: vitamins is only a supplement, not a replacement)
  • if you eat fruits and vegetables raw everyday, you eat enzymes necessary for absorbing the nutrients.
  • Bacteria love an acidic environment. By eating vegetables and fruits - without mixing the with other food one hour before and after - you make your body alkaline, and thus resistant to many diseases. 
Leviticus 11:1-3
The Lord gave Moses and Aaron the following regulations for the people of Israel. You may eat any land animal that has divided hoofs and that also chews the cud.
  • Science is now discovering that animals labeled as "unclean" by the Bible carry more toxins. For example, pigs eat anything and thus have more toxins in their meat.
Leviticus 11:9-10
You may eat any kind of fish that has fins and scales, but anything living in the water that does not have fins and scales must not be eaten.
  • What sea creatures are without scales or fins? Oysters, mussels, clams, crab, lobsters, shrimps, and squid are the scavengers of the sea. They store a concentration of toxins in their tissues. It will be wise to avoid eating too much of these scavengers. Somehow, the Bible knew this already a long time ago.
Leviticus 7:23-24
For the people of Israel. No fat of cattle, sheep or goats shall be eaten.
  • A high fat diet has been linked to heart attacks, strokes, and some forms of cancer. But some 3,000 years ago, the Bible already warning us of its health dangers.
  • Oxygen
    • This may surprise you, but many persons don't breathe well. They breathe in a shallow way, also called lazy breathing. Their body is starved of oxygen. Most diseases are linked to the lack of oxygen in the our cells. A lot of persons will get healed by simply breathing slow, deep breaths many times during each day. If you do this many times a day, you'll awaken the healer in you.

  • Movement /Exercise
    • Taking walks is one of the best exercises you can do. It's simple, requires no fancy equipment, exposes you to fresh air(Note: Avoid air polluted areas when you walk.), gives an emotional lift because you're outdoors, provides you with sunlight and  cleanses your lymphatic system. Moderate exercise will strengthen you inner healer. 

  • Sunlight
    • Filipina mothers expose their newborn infants to the sunlight. They have the right idea! But adults aren't exempt. You still need sunlight at least 30mins a day, preferably in the morning. Sunlight heals! God created lots of it for your use. Because of sunlight, you body produces Vitamin D, which is crucial for your health and healing. Health experts believe Vitamin D prevents osteoporosis, depression, prostate cancer, breast cancer and even affects diabetes and obesity.

  • Sleep
    • Get enough sleep every night. If people get enough sleep every night, many sicknesses will be cured. Many persons are so sleep-deprived; their entire system has gone berserk. Vegetarians need less sleep than those who eat meat, because of the large amounts of energy needed to digest meat. So it is recommended that you listen to your body. Your body will tell you how much sleep you need. 
    • One last message. Real restful sleep cannot come from sleeping pills. Nor from an expensive mattress. Real restful sleep can only come when you trust God fully.
If you want a healthy body, here's what I've learned: Let food be your medicine. If we eat right, we don't need the medicines we take in today. By eating right, we open ourselves to God's healing power.

    Friday, July 9, 2010

    Supermom is waiting for the good things to come...

    The agony of waiting is over...the rationalization plan has been approved yet I feel sad and confused. Perhaps I expected too much. I have been waiting for this in 5 long years. Here it is now...but where should I go. I am confused, I thought I am ready when this time will arrived. Some people will go, and many more will come.

    More than 6 years of being a contractual employee, I still am hoping for some good things to happen. Even if it means doing other work assignments. I pray that I'll be enlightened to choose wisely where to apply (and my big hope to be accepted to the position). Or else...I might end up looking outside, worst being unemployed.

    I have this mixed feelings now- sad, confused, frightened ...yet hopeful. May God showers His unending blessings to me and PCASTRD!