Friday, July 9, 2010

Supermom is waiting for the good things to come...

The agony of waiting is over...the rationalization plan has been approved yet I feel sad and confused. Perhaps I expected too much. I have been waiting for this in 5 long years. Here it is now...but where should I go. I am confused, I thought I am ready when this time will arrived. Some people will go, and many more will come.

More than 6 years of being a contractual employee, I still am hoping for some good things to happen. Even if it means doing other work assignments. I pray that I'll be enlightened to choose wisely where to apply (and my big hope to be accepted to the position). Or else...I might end up looking outside, worst being unemployed.

I have this mixed feelings now- sad, confused, frightened ...yet hopeful. May God showers His unending blessings to me and PCASTRD!

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