Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Practical Health Tips - my new blog

I've compiled some of the best emails forwarded from friends in my new blog entitled "Practical Health Tips". These are some practical notes on how to keep fit for simple people. Read and learn, as they say, prevention is better than cure... :)

Friday, April 16, 2010

My little businesses

Last night I met with my godsister Rosie, she's my ninang's daughter, to attend the Business Opportunity Meeting at King Dnarmsa International, Inc.  Honestly, I had some reservations about Multi-level Network Marketing since I have read and heard of some companies that do not succeed. And I'm afraid of the risks to enter such kind of business. However, she has been constantly requesting me to give her a chance to show me the business plans of the company and so I gave in. I met her at Robinson's Ortigas and proceeded to Burgundy Empire Tower.

Just like the other multi-level network marketing companies I have heard off, I also have attended the presentations of Herbalife, AIM and some others, truly some people have earned a lot with this system. My sis is telling me to 'wake up' and try. But honestly, as I write this post, I haven't been convinced to do this kind of business. I got some thinking to do. I am not so sure that I could still manage a business like this one because I also have my other sidelines. Besides, I need quite some capital to start this one. But as promised I'll look into it too...

Here are some of my little/part-time businesses which I've been doing for some years now. I enjoy doing these as if it's been part of my life, even if I am just earning a little with each one.

1. AVON ( - I've been selling Avon products for 7 years now, perhaps because many people still are faithfully patronizing our products. And because I'm the only dealer in our office.

2. NATASHA ( I transferred the full management of this one to Joy, my cousin, to give her additional income aside from taking care of my kids. However, I'm still the registered dealer.

3. e-Loading (Smart, Globe, Sun)

4. Human Heart Nature( - I love their organic products, aside from helping the environment, I believe I am helping the livelihood of those Gawad Kalinga awardees too.

5. I sell some fashion accessories occasionally too, but I have little production now since I am quite busy with other things...I'll try to do more in the next days...

6. I have subscribed to some paid-to-click (PTC) and paid-to-read (PTR) programs too. My earnings are not so high yet, but at least I know some of them are paying. I have some dollars in my paypal account now.

7. I am trying to learn the secrets of online business (internet marketing and others). So this will add in the list, but hopefully this one will not be in my little businesses but a big one.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

After 2 years...

After two years, I missed writing here, or should I say, I realized I should have written more...As I have mentioned before, I wasn't born a writer...but I'm comfortable sharing what's happening in my life with anyone I know, or even for those who may just accidentally saw this blog somewhere.

yeah, after 2 years of starting this blog, so many things have happened:

1. My daughter Angela is turning 7 this May and she'll be in Grade two next school year. She's a fourth honor in her Grade 1 class.

2. My son, Asher has just turned 5 last February and he'll be in kinder this June. He got an academic distinction and ranked 1st in his nursery class. Thank God for my kids.

3. I have read quite a number of books and articles on "How to be rich" and even attended one of Bro. Bo Sanchez seminar on "How to be truly rich". And it is become one of my goal, one of my greatest dream, TO BECOME RICH!

4. I have been a member in the trulyrichclub, hosted and facilitated by Bro. Bo, for a few months now where I got motivated and inspired to look for ways to have a financial freedom. (Actually in one of his recommendation, I became a member of Jomar Hilario's Online Internet Marketing Club, that's what makes me busy these days, learning new things online.) I promised to write about these in the next days to come... :)

5. Some things haven't changed, I'm still in the same office for 6 years now, still a contractual employee...hoping to find a permanent position somewhere here... :) but of course, I gained a lot of knowledge and trainings in the past few years...

6. I am quite interested in the stock market, I'll read more about this and promise to buy my first shares this year.

So til next post, got to do more research for now...