Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Shocking truth - 85% of our diseases are rooted in our emotions

It was a blessed Sunday for me, Joy and her sister went with us to the Feast after going to mass at Lower Bicutan. The kids were excited to play in the children's ministry. I was so amused and surprised that the thanksgiving prayer I wrote last Sunday in my Love Offering envelope was published in the feast bulletin. At least my gratitude has gone that far, hehehe. I really thank God for all the small and big blessings I received everyday.

The title of the talk is EMOTIONS. It was the 2nd talk of the Awaken Series. Bro. Arun stated the fact that 85% of all diseases are rooted in our emotions. Diseases are messages from the soul. When we are sick, our soul tells us something. Often times, we do not listen to our soul, we turn to medicine/pill as our savior from our sickness. That's why we are not naturally healing. What you feel, you can heal - that's the important lesson in Emotions.

There are 2 ways Emotions make you sick:

1. Too much negative emotions
  •  Stress - most heart attacks / strokes happen during Mondays. Most people are so stressed during Mondays since it's the start of the work week, 1st day of school, etc. Since we cannot get rid of Mondays in our week, we must have a positive attitude towards Monday... :) I pray I could change my mind about Mondays too.
  • Anger - angry people die early. Hmmm... It is advised that do not pretend to be always ok, that nothing is happening to you. Don't escape negative emotions. Go out to God and pour out your heart to him.
2. Too little positive emotions
  • Proverbs 17:22 - Being cheerful keeps you healthy. It is slow death to be gloomy all the time.
  • Laugh often with people you love.
Lastly, Bro. Arun reminded everyone to take the pill of Gratitude (to have more) and Trust (less worries). And always be cheerful.

I pray that more people will be blessed in the feast, more family and friends come with me and be blessed as I am.

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